Being a mom will definitely change your life, and although you will be so obsessed with your little bundle of joy you have to remember to take care of yourself as well. As women we tend to forget that we are a priority as well. We owe it to ourselves to sustain good mental health and be happy. Not that being a mother takes away from your happiness, because it almost certainly makes you overflow with joy, but you have to remember to do things that make you feel good as well.
Some women like yoga, others like pottery classes. Doing things that you like is going to be vital to your mental health during this new journey in life. As a person, I am naturally nurturing so I love to make sure that those around me are well taken care of. Sometimes so much so that I do not take the time to do the things I love to do. After a few months of “not feeling like myself” I realized that I was great at taking care of my family, but I wasn’t great at balancing my new life with my old life.
In all honesty, when I say a few months I mean he was almost 1 year old. I genuinely enjoy being his mom, and not having family near us does not make it easy for me to let him too far out of my reach. It’s hard to trust people with your child. I do not even like dropping him off at daycare, but he has to go. The point is we often times forget as mom, we owe it to ourselves to recharge and do something that makes us feel good about ourselves.
When you are mentally happy and well rested, your child gets the best of you. Some things you love they can participate in. For example, I love to go to the park or farmers market on the weekends. He goes with me. We literally make a day of it. I get to walk around and meet people, and we both get a change of scenery. Other things are done best alone, like getting a hot stone massage or even reading a book while sitting in a bubble bath.
Doing something that makes you happy does not have to be anything in particular, but just something that makes you feel good. One thing that I love to do is getting dressed and taking pictures. Call me weird or call me a blogger, either way I’m certain this brings me joy. As my son is now a toddler, I realize that it is time for me to start back doing what makes me happy. It’s time for balance. In 2018, I claimed that April 4, 2020 would be an important date for me although I was not planned on being quarantined. I am not going to let this date get away from me, so here I am relaunching my blog and excited to do so. Being a mom changed my life, but it only made me more awesome.
Ayentl J.
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